
Unearth urban cool

Tokyo is one of the most exciting urban environments in the world, a megalopolis filled with fascinating minutiae. There's an amazing live music scene, great boutique shopping, amazing restaurants and excellent small bars. Just the sheer size of the Japanese capital makes it interesting. Every suburb is a city in itself that you could spend weeks getting to know.

Moreover, it’s not a complete concrete conurbation, with over 270 parks and gardens and countless treasures to unearth. A city mixing futuristic constructions with 1000-year-old temples as well as the ultimate in pop-art kitsch. Put simply: it’s an otherworldly wonderland filled with surprise and importantly, there’s no place quite like it anywhere else on the planet.

With apologies to the late American writer Tom Wolfe, it’s a Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby of a city from the minute you step onto a rapid transit train at the airport to a late night in a punk rock basement bar.

We’ve won a few choices for you to locate and experience …